Friday, February 25, 2011

Our Hearts Belong to Books 57:2011

One of our student teachers put this bulletin board together for the month of February. First graders wrote about their favorite book and had their picture taken showing how much they love their book.

Skippyjon Jones Returns! 56:2011

Yay! Skippyjon Jones returned to the library after a mysterious disappearance. Ms. Angela, our custodian, rescued him from the Lost and Found this morning. Rumor has it that Mr. S. Jones had some sort of wild adventure in the school cafeteria. He promises to be good and stay in the library, but you never know with that little rascal. I hope Pete the Cat will help him to stay in line. How did Pete the Cat handle his friend's disappearance? Sources say he kept walking along, singing his song. Perhaps Pete was already aware of Skippyjon's secret adventure. Hmmm... I must watch those two more closely.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caught Reading 55:2011

Ms. Worth's second grade students came to the library today and read quietly after checking out books. It was so nice and peaceful. Even a table of four active boys were caught reading Jumanji, No David, and Michelle Obama. One boy said that the First Lady looks WAY too young to be in her 40s.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Cameras for Steed 53:365

Smile! Our digital cameras finally arrived! We purchased 14 Canon PowerShot A495 digital cameras as part of our Oklahoma Educational Technology Trust grant. I have spent much of the day getting them ready for students and teachers to use. Three are already being used in a 3rd grade class. The teacher wanted 6 but I couldn't get them ready fast enough. I took this picture with one of the new cameras, and it is really sharp!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Name That Relic 47:2011 #365project

We still have this our library storage room, but I don't think it has been used since I've been there. Our younger teachers don't recognize what it is. It's actually newer than the ones at my previous libraries. These contraptions were high tech when I was in elementary school many years ago. Hint: it was useful for making bulletin boards.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blue Sky 44:2011 #365project

Looking up at the sky outside my front door, around 6:15 p.m. We've had a lovely warm day which has helped to melt a lot of the snow from earlier in the week. The blue of this sky reminds me of my mother's husband's sparkling blue eyes. he passed away Thursday morning and will be greatly missed. He was a dear, sweet man and loved my mother very much.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Pile of Snow 42:2011 #365project

We had school today after yet another snowstorm. The district cleared all the parking lots, leaving huge piles of snow. I parked next to this particular pile, which was taller than me. By the way, we are having a candy bar fundraiser. I took this picture with the iPod Touch.

Louvers Again 40:2011 #365project

I posted an Instagram version of this picture on Wednesday but it didn't come through on BlogPress, so I'm giving it another try. These are some of the louvered room dividers in the Cox Convention Center in OKC. I took the picture at an angle with the iPod Touch.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cox Center Louvers

I took this photo of the louvered lobby dividers at the Cox Center yesterday while I was attending the Oklahoma Technology Administrators conference. Actually, the louvers are horizontal, with two diagonal crossbeams. They are a great favorite of mine. I like the way they looked in this vertical orientation, though. I took the picture with the iPod Touch and tweaked it in the Instagram app, using the Hefe filter, on the iPad. The DailyShoot assignment for today is to post a picture with a diagonal leading line.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Out the Window 39:365:2011

I'm at the Oklahoma Technology Administrators Conference today. This is my view out the window of the 2nd floor of the Cox Convention Center. The Devon Tower will be the tallest building in Oklahoma City when it is completed. The cranes were swinging today!

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Buried in Snow 35:365:2011

This snowdrift in front of our home is about 4 feet high. We had 12" of blowing snow on Tuesday, yet there are some areas where the grass is bare. I can just imagine the slushy mud when this mass of snow melts. And of course, it snowed some more today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Circles 34:365:2011

Today I ventured out in the snow and cold to take some photos. After taking pictures of 3-ft high snow drifts, I came back and noticed our patio table was covered in snow, except for this centerpiece. After taking a regular photo, I tried taking one from above. I love the concentric circles.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ER Goldfish 33:365:2011

This rather large goldfish lives in the aquarium at the ER of the hospital near our home. I'm sure he has helped to distract and calm down many people in his day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard Cat 32:365:2011

We're having a blizzard here in Oklahoma, and this stray cat has camped out on our patio. He taunts our cats through the window. We can't let him in because he's an "intact male" but we set up this box with blankets for him. He seems to be doing okay.